
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cancer cures wrinkles...

One of the great things about cancer treatment is that it refocuses priorities, at least for the patient. Rather than worrying about the long-term effects of a bad haircut, I worry about the long term.

Having lost most of my hair, including eyelashes, eyebrows, and other bits, I am freed up to worry about having lost some cognitive function, like finishing sentences.

When I look in the mirror at my fuzzy head and puzzle over what look is coming next, I realize no one ever knows what is coming next. I should already know this, given my life history, but clearly I need big, heavy hammer reminders. Nothing subtle.

Last week, while arranging a consult with a dermatologist because of the former melanoma on my leg, my oncologist joked that it could take awhile to get an appointment for cancer follow up, but if I wanted Botox, they'd see me fast. So this got me thinking about the wrinkles and creases meandering around my face as I slide down the slope to sixty...maybe that is the look that is coming next?

Absolutely not. All earned, all me. After enduring a multitude of things shot into my body for the past six months, nothing unnecessary will be, well, necessary. Cancer has eliminated wrinkles from my worries. Both my wrinkles, and yours. Cured.


  1. I read this to my girls. I tell them the same thing often- as I freak out about something and then try to pull it together and remind us all (mostly me) that what may happen tomorrow will leave this meaningless. You have been a constant reminder, as I follow closely behind you on that "slope"...thank you for sharing your wisdom, honesty, dignity and you Cher

  2. I love my (few, I'm only 28) wrinkles I have received. They remind me how lucky I am to have lived this far, when so many die so young. God is good.
